31st October 2017
ND is closed again so we are back. As before, the address is play.strawberries-dm.com:7777.
1st May 2016
With the return of New Dawn, the server has lost its purpose and has been closed. Join ND at server.dawn-tdm.com:7777. You can also check out my other server, AdrenalineX Racing. Thanks to everyone for all the fun we had.
- mooman
16th April 2016
After months of testing and the implementation and refinement of most necessary functions, the open beta period is now over. All this means is that we are confident the server is of a high enough standard to leave beta, not that we will stop adding features. More detailed news on updates is available on the forum.
8th August 2015
The server has been launched in an incomplete state to help us find bugs and gather suggestions. For more information, click here or you can join the server now.
3rd August 2015
The server will be ready soon. Until then, check out this preview.
30th July 2015
Welcome to the new Strawberries DM Racing website. Here you will find the latest news regarding the development of the server.